Pier Park North Directory
About Dixielectricar
Dixielectricar has been a street legal golf cart retailer since 1972, supplying residents and visitors with the highest premium product, E-Z-GO golf carts. Unlike other dealers, we exclusively sell E-Z-GO because it is the most advanced and refined product on the market. Part of the exceptionalism of these vehicles stems from their parent company Textron, who design & manufacturer the industry leading aviation brands Cessna, Beechcraft & Bell Helicopter. Backed by Textron you’ll be ensuring an exemplary level of technology and efficiency. While many golf carts are intended only for golf and have had the same design for over 40 years, E-Z-GO transitioned in 2008 to the same motor system as Tesla, an alternating current system which utilizes 5% of the parts and is 30% more efficient. Mostly importantly, these vehicles are purpose build to be powered by Samsung’s “ELiTE” Lithium Ion Batteries.